Hardball pg 19
Chapter: Chapter Four: Hardball
Trane and Allumette’s relationship has come a long way, I think. At least they’re not trying to kill each other (for now).
IN OTHER NEWS… the good folks at 01 Publishing are in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign for one of those damn-that’s-awesome-I-wish-I’d-thought-of-that projects: World War Kaiju. If you’re familiar with Utopiates or Titanium Rain, you know WWK is going to be a high-quality read. If you haven’t yet experienced their work, do yourself a favor and get those books — then go pledge to get WWK and some very cool rewards. I’m not just plugging their campaign because Josh and Kat are talented, cool peeps, but because I’m selfish and I want this campaign to succeed so I can get a copy ASAP.